Laboratorio de análisis de cuencas


Publications 2007

Astini, R.A., Collo, G. and Martina, F., 2007. Ordovician K-bentonites in the upper-plate active margin of Western Gondwana, (Famatina Ranges): stratigraphic and palaeogeographic significance. Japón. Gondwana Research, 11, 311-325. ISSN: 1342-937X.

Gomez, F.J., Ogle, N., Astini, R.A., and Kalin, R.M., 2007. Paleoenvironmental and carbo-oxygen isotope record of Middle Cambrian carbonates (La Laja Formation) in the Argentine Precordillera. Journal of Sedimentary Research 77:826-842.

Dávila, F.M. y Astini, R.A., 2007. Cenozoic provenance history of synorogenic conglomerates in western Argentina (Famatina Belt): Implications for Central Andean foreland development. Geological
Society of America Bulletin, v. 119, nº4, p . 609-622.

Dávila, F. M., R.A. Astini, T E. Jordan, G. Gehrels, M. Ezpeleta, 2007. Miocene forebulge development previous to the broken foreland partitioning in the southern Central Andes, west-central Argentina. Tectonics, v. 26, TC5016, doi:10.1029/2007TC002118.

Thomas, W.A. & Astini, R A. 2007. Vestiges of an Ordovician west-vergent thin-skinned Ocloyic thrust belt in the Argentine Precordillera, southern Central Andes. Journal of Structural Geology , 29: 1369-1385.

González Riga, B. J. & Astini, R A.2007. Preservation of large titanousaur sauropods in overbank fluvial facies: a case study in the Cretaceous of Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 23(2):290-303.

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